Women’s Temple

S A C R E D  F E M I N I N E  P R A C T I C E



Noon MST/ 2 Pm EST

In Women’s Temple, we practice embodying, healing with, and empowering ourselves as The Sacred Feminine. 

We utilize the timeless technologies of Women’s Ritual, Women’s Temple Practice, and Women’s Folk Wisdom Traditions. 

In Women’s Temple, we –

Reclaim what has always been ours, feed our trust in women’s intuition, cultivate presence, listen to that calling from the deep…

…and discover the courage to follow it.

We rest, remember, and revel in Beauty. We return to the circle to wildly nourish and fill our cup. We give and receive 

We bring forth, from within womb & heart, hip to hip.

We come home to our bodies, the earth, and each other.

We reweave ourselves in, rejoice in womanhood, decolonize our bodies, commune with the plants, heal with the elements, and simply practice…





W E L C O M E  T O  T E M P L E.

T H E  W O M E N ‘ S  G R O V E  P R E S E N T S


Women’s Temple



Join us once, or for the Season ~

Nov. 1st

Nov. 29th

Dec. 27th

Noon MST/ 2 Pm EST


{Recordings provided for those who can’t join us live.}

Here, we receive ourselves and each other with honesty, bravery, and the profound vulnerability that we’re all thirsty for.

We restore ourselves and are renewed by the power of the plants, the elements, and our ancient women’s ways.

Women’s Temple is a deep drink from the well of The Real, a soulful space where the Feminine can flow freely, be fully expressed, soothed, rejuvenated, and rediscovered in its purity and power.

Women’s Temple is a time to rest and revel in beauty, and explore ourselves as the wild, wise, and whole women we are.

Co-created by a constellation of fierce-hearted women, from all over the world – Women’s Temple is our gift to ourselves, to each other, AND to our world.



The Ways of Women’s Temple ~ 


  • FEMININE EMBODIMENT PRACTICE .:. Through Feminine Embodiment Practice, we experience our bodies & emotions – as doorways into greater presence, which is the greatest gift we have to give to our world. Utilizing movement, Ritual, conscious breathing, and sound – we drop-in below the mind, into a vast reservoir within. Here, we find the resources we need for moving through our lives supported, relaxed, aligned, radiant, and grounded. Through Embodiment Practice, we untie ourselves from the our misguided loyalty to the harsh voice of the Inner Patriarch, decolonizing our relationship with our bodies piece by piece, step by step. It’s a practice! And through practice, we come to know ourselves more and more as the undomesticated, authentic beings we are meant to be. The teachings of Emotional Alchemy are central to our practice, enabling us to harness the elemental potency of our feelings – as they live, move, and change inside the body. Learning to utilize emotions as a source of renewable energy, we revitalize ourselves, and experience a fresh version of empowerment that is sourced from the inside.


  • WOMEN’S CIRCLE .:.  Central to Temple, is the loving heartbeat and timeless technology of Women’s Circle. Together, through our ‘women’s ways’ – honest inquiry, council, and much more – we welcome all parts of ourselves home, to be felt, seen, and known. In this skillful container of growth, rest, and soul-inspiration, we experience a profound sense of belonging with ourselves, each other, and something greater than us all. The vulnerability, intimacy, and depth of Women’s Circle ways challenge us to bring forth more of our presence, truth, and genuine experience, into the whole. This befriending and integration Returns us to the Beauty that we already are. And through the process, we learn to see ourselves and each other with new eyes. These are the empowering, all-seeing eyes of the Matriarchy that we co-create. This unified, compassionate consciousness ripples out into our world, shaping us as part of the solution humanity is waiting for.


  • HERBAL & EARTH-CENTERED HEALING .:.  Together in Women’s Temple, we come home to the fact that we share one breath with all living green things, and that we mirror the Earth’s and Moon’s cycles and seasons. In turn, we experience the infinite support that is right here for us, every day of our lives as women. Women’s Folk Herbalism is the foundation for our Earth-Centered Practices. Through this approach to Healing and Preventative Medicine, we take command of our own wellness, and re-member things that have been untruthfully divided. In Women’s Temple, we experience the empowerment of communing with our plant allies through some or all of the following – Plant Brushings, Herbal Healing waters, Working with Fire and Resin for Healing and Prayer, synchronizing with the Earth’s and Moon’s cycles, and more. Through our interconnection with the healing properties of the plants, elements, and cycles, we learn to more effectively maintain our well-being on all levels – without the intercession of patriarchal systems. Now is the time to reclaim this knowledge. Join us! 


Women’s Temple


Join us for Women’s Temple – LIVE, VIA ZOOM

Fridays closest to New Moon | Noon MST/ 2 Pm EST

Join us once, OR for the season.

Women’s Temple is a ‘come as you are’ space. No experience is necessary. Your exhaustion, anger, bubbling joy, power, voice, silence, peace, beauty, deep questions, and pleasure are all welcome… and more. 

Anything that is real for you, in the moment, is what we’re practicing with. 

Dates for the remainder of 2024 are as follows:

  • Nov. 1st
  • Nov. 29th
  • Dec.27th. 
  • Participants are strongly encouraged to join us live.
  • Downloadable Recordings will be provided, so that you can enjoy if you are unable to join us live in Temple. 

The most important moments in Temple arise in Mystery… You will experience some or all of the following –

  • Revitalized energy & radiance.
  • Reconnection with Earth-Centered Wisdom. 
  • Belonging in Sisterhood.
  • Reunion with the Universal Mother.
  • Deep rest.
  • Body & Soul rejuvenation.
  • Renewed Femininity.
  • Intimacy with yourself & other women.
  • Joyful celebration & the freedom to grieve, as necessary.
  • Remembrance of Matriarchal ways and wisdom. 

Women’s Temple is completely experiential. You’ll be invited into –

  • Restorative Movement – Resting into the feminine within, together we flow {no experience necessary}, roll, sit, crawl, contract, stretch, open our wings, take up space, fall into the gravity of the earth and more. You will be guided each step of the way. 
  • Herbal & Earth-Centered Healing – Utilizing common Herbal Allies, you will be introduced to Women’s Folk Herbalism traditions, receiving the medicine of plants, the elements, and the cycles and seasons of the Universal Feminine.
  • Nurturing Self- Touch – Supporting you to drop-in, below the mind, you’ll stroke, caress, and massage yourself into BEING. This is non-s*xual touch. Clear instruction is given, so that this experience is supportive of your relaxed and open presence.
  • Deep Rest – You’ll be taken much deeper, under the layers of obligation, striving, and to-do lists. Together, we drink from the well of energy and beauty that is the infinite reservoir of the Sacred Feminine. It’s all right here. 
  • Women’s Council & Inquiry – Utilizing simple structures and questions, we’ll explore themes that are alive in our community in dyads and triads, or in the larger group. 
  • Beauty: Food for the Soul – Together, we will co-create the pristine energy you’d expect to find in a true Temple. You’ll be instructed to bring various *simple* household items, to create sacred space. Poetry and music will bring us deeper…

A willingness to be vulnerable and courageous with yourself and other women, is all that’s required.


Chameli Ardagh
Founder – Awakening Women Institute

“Marianah Jade is rooted in the deep feminine mysteries and she embodies a unique blend of fierce focus, devotion and vast compassion. Her uncompromising dedication to authenticity and depth in her work is powerful and refreshing medicine for those of us who have had enough of replicas and plastic shortcuts. Marianah Jade’s mission and the further unfolding of her offerings in the world, gives me hope, for us all.”  – Chameli


Katie Wise 
Singer, Songwriter ~ Katie Wise and Bhakti Explosion 

“I found Marianah’s groups to be the one space where I could let my shoulders fall, my guard drop, and my true emotions surface. I felt that I could say and feel anything, and it wouldn’t be deemed “wrong” or inappropriate. I loved connecting with the other women, and knowing that I am not alone. It is wonderful to find a space where authenticity is appreciated and tears are seen as a sign of strength. I am grateful to have crossed paths with such a wise, compassionate, and deeply spiritual teacher at this time in my life.” Katie

Martha Hartney
Attorney and Counselor at Law ~ Hartney Family and Estate Law

“…Here I discovered that I’m not alone as a woman and that my internal guidance systems are not unique to me but are shared by all women. I found that the inner voice speaking truth to me all along, is heard by all of my sisters in one form or another. I found myself willing to submit more fully to this knowing…I found compassion for other women’s ‘lost-ness’ in a world dominated by the masculine, and…a woman whispering our secrets back to me, reminding me of what we know. Gently, sensually, sacredly inviting me into my body, into my femininity, my creative center. I found a guide, Marianah Jade, who has devoted herself to understanding the subtle rhythms of the feminine that float under everything that is, often without our notice. She helped me see that in those subtle waves exist a vast, thronging passion of love and devotion and acceptance. Patiently, oh so delicately, she reintroduced me to my magical core, calling out my true nature and showing me places where I can tap into my subtle powers, my cycles, and the wisdom of our foremothers. My wish would be for all the women I love to experience this tribe of womanly power and love that Marianah nurtures. Here we find a home for the weirdness of our womanhood, and give time and space for our powers to heal, process, transform, express, create, and develop ~ so that we all experience the divine feminine within us, and allow it to change the world…”  – Martha

Lesley Glenner 
Owner, Founder ~ HoloBeing Holistic Wellness Institute 

“Marianah Jade…offered me a reflection of myself that was beautiful, whole, and goddess-like. She assumes the best and honors those in her presence in ways subtle and grandiose ~ creating a container of sacred intimacy, feminine attune-ment, skillful transformation, and fun. As a bride to-be, I can think of no better way to step into an embodied feminine experience of myself. The practices Marianah offered have continued to serve me in my life and relationships. I have been more aware of my power as a woman, I have been more available to my partner when I honor my needs for feminine practice, and I have helped other women in transition, to remember their feminine obligations to their truth. I would not hesitate to recommend this to ANY woman who wants to feel good in her world.” – Lesley

Cynthia Stadd

Chief Empowered Eater ~ Eat Empowered

“I had no idea what to expect when I signed up…and it was exactly what I needed, infusing me with grounded-ness and joy. Marianah opened my eyes to the power of the moon, which is something I’ve rarely even considered before…and oh the power of the moon! With her loving guidance, I felt it’s open reign like never before and connected into an altered state of receptivity, truth, and raw power. Marianah is a true master at what she does. She is earth mother, female connector, woman empower-er, spirit guider, and leader. This is an experience I want again. Thank you for leading such a necessary event!!!” – Cynthia

Meet Your Guide ~

Marianah Jade – Founder of The Women’s Grove – is a mother, folk herbalist, harpist, poet, and medicine woman.

As a Sacred Feminine Guide for women and girls, weaver of women’s wisdom, and keeper of the Feminine Mysteries – she has masterfully guided thousands of women all over the world through ceremonial retreats and private sessions, for almost 20 years.

She gives thanks for her many teachers, including her now Angel, Miss Beatrice Waight of the Yucatec Maya Women’s Healing traditions, as well as her Mentors – Ann Drucker and Chameli Gad.

Marianah has been studying and living the ways of Sacred Feminine Practice and Women’s Wisdom Traditions for 30 years. She is a 3rd year trained Folk Herbalism Teacher, and a Certified Women’s Temple Facilitator.

Marianah apprenticed closely with, and was the founder and keeper of a physical Temple for, the Plant Medicine of the Putumayo Jungle of Colombia, South America for 7 years. During time time she attended and supported hundreds of ceremonies.

Marianah currently lives in partnership with her Herbal Allies, benevolent Helping Spirits, and the Grandmother Sacrament. As a suburban witch, women’s healing practitioner, and lifelong devotee of the Divine Mother, her passion for the ways of conscious womanhood are contagious.

Through her poetry, writing, music, teaching, and healing work – she aspires to light the healing flame of the Sacred Feminine within the hearts of all of her sister-students around the world.