Welcome to ~

T H E  W O M E N ‘ S  G R O V E

Together in this High Summer season, through Ritual, Folk Medicine, and Feminine Embodiment Practice –

We invoke, explore, and welcome the Archetype of the




Synchronizing with the ripe, shining glory of the High Summer season, we prepare for our Harvest, celebrate ourselves as we are, and courageously embrace the inner work that is ours to do.

Our themes for the Season will include –





Creative Power

& Celebration

We gather in Global Women’s Ritual to play, pray, grieve, feel what there is to feel, gather our strength & courage, delight in soul nourishment, and support each other on this wild journey of Becoming.

Together we feed the remembrance of our oneness with the Sacred Feminine in the forms of the Earth, the Moon, the Plant Allies & Elementals, and our Sisters on the journey.

Here we open ourselves to healing, discover newfound empowerment, and gain essential skills for navigating Womanhood with Grace.

Here in The Women’s Grove, we work with our bodies and emotions as doorways into deeper presence, while welcoming the spirit of the Plant Allies and Elementals, in the oral tradition of our foremothers.

With open-hearted women just like yourself – you’ll experience the generosity of Mother Nature as well as the compassionate presence of the Sacred Feminine, within and surrounding you.

Through Feminine Embodiment Practice, you’ll experientially learn new ways of being and connecting with yourself, which are your birthright to remember & receive.

Join us for…

effective healing practices

practical women’s magic

nervous system fortification

co-created wild beauty

inspiring spoken word poetry

nourishing primal movement

sacred women’s space

journeying with the plants,



Coming Home to the Sacred Feminine.



In The Women’s Grove, we –


Experientially learn foundational Women’s Folk Medicine.

Practice Feminine Embodiment.



Commune with other open-hearted women.

Discover the healing power of common Plants.

Heal ourselves from within.

Form bonds with our Plant Allies.


Reweave ourselves in.

Orient ourselves within the Wheel of Womanhood.

Empower each other, through the sharing of wisdom. 

Welcome the generosity of Mother Nature into our lives.

Strengthen our Intuition.

Receive Sacred Feminine Education, which is our birthright.

Harmonize with personal and universal Feminine Rhythms.

Fortify our Nervous Systems.

Decolonize our relationship with our bodies.

Recommit to what we know we want and need.

Reclaim the gifts that are a result of being Highly Sensitive.

Celebrate the Fruits of this season of the year, our lives, and of Womanhood.


The Magic Awaits You.

T H E  W O M E N ‘ S  G R O V E 


Sacred Feminine Embodiment & Education 






Friday, June 21st | High Noon MST/ 11 Am PST

Sunday, July 21st | 11 Am MST/ 10 Am PST 

Sunday, August 18th | 10 Am MST/ 9 Am PST


Welcome The Power of High Summer.


During this Summertime Global Women’s Circle, you’ll receive Experiential Education. Our Time together will be an inspiring blend of Ritual, Feminine Embodiment Practice, and Women’s Folk Medicine.

The Feminine Rhythms of – our bodies, the season, the Moon, and the Earth will guide our curriculum.


We will explore* ~


*Our curriculum is guided by Mystery, intuition, the season, the moon, the land, and the women who are gathered. Some or all of the following may be explored in depth, or not at all… Thank you for joining us in the Mystery…


Abundance – Aligning With The River Of Energy

Receptivity – Opening & Softening

Feminine Rhythms – Harmonizing With The Cycles

Healing – Befriending the Dark

Spiritual Hygiene – Fortifying the Feminine Psyche

Womb Wisdom – Remembering What We Know

Deep Nourishment – Welcoming Support

Growth – Courageously Choosing Our True Path

Self-Love – Committing to What Matters

Blossoming –  Expressing Your Essence

Communion – Reweaving Into the Sacred


Skills We May Cultivate ~ 


Herbal Plant Brushing

Herbal & Floral Crafts

Vaginal Awareness Practices

Womb Meditation

Feminine Lifestyle Design

Speaking Into The Circle

Burning Healing Herbs With Charcoal

Herbal Self- Healing

Home-Made Spiritual Remedies


Plants We May Commune With ~






Lemon Balm










Educational, Experiential, & Embodied ~


During our time together, you will gain skills that will serve your well-being in your daily life. We will sing, make and utilize Herbal Crafts and/ or Medicines, and practice Feminine Embodiment. These ways will become a part of you, and you will return to your daily life with nourishing wisdom to live into. I look forward to communing with the power of the Sacred Feminine, the Earth & Plants, and Sisterhood together…


In the Heart of The Women’s Grove.



The Ways of The Women’s Grove ~


  • WOMEN’S FOLK MEDICINE .:.  Together in The Women’s Grove, we come home to the fact that we share one breath with all living green things, and that we mirror the Earth’s and Moon’s cycles and seasons. In turn, we experience the infinite support that is right here for us, every day of our lives as women. During our High Summer in The Women’s Grove, we’ll explore the safe and effective use of wild, common, and cultivated plants which are in season, and most beneficial for women. You’ll receive experiential education exploring some or all of the following – Plant Brushings, Herbal Healing Baths, Herbal Infusions & Decoctions, Self-Healing Salt Scrubs, Vaginal Steams, Working with Fire and Resin for Healing and Prayer, and more. You’ll come to know plants which are most supportive for your own physical/ hormonal/ emotional/ and spiritual healing right now, as well as some which will support you to move through whatever phase of womanhood you are in, with power and grace. Through this approach to Healing and Preventative Medicine, we take command of our own wellness, and re-member things that have been untruthfully divided. Through our interconnection with the healing properties of the plants, elements, and cycles, we learn to more effectively maintain our well-being on all levels – without the intercession of Patriarchal systems. Now is the time to reclaim this knowledge. Join us! 


  • FEMININE EMBODIMENT PRACTICE .:. Through Feminine Embodiment Practice, we experience our bodies & emotions – as doorways into greater presence, which is the greatest gift we have to give to our world. Utilizing movement, conscious breathing, and sound – we drop-in below the mind, into a vast reservoir within. Here, we find the resources we need for moving through our lives supported, relaxed, aligned, radiant, and grounded. Through Embodiment Practice, we untie ourselves from our misguided loyalty to the harsh voice of the Inner Patriarch, decolonizing our relationship with our bodies piece by piece, step by step. It’s a practice! And through practice, we come to know ourselves more and more as the undomesticated, authentic women that we are meant to be. The teachings of Emotional Alchemy are central to our practice, enabling us to harness the elemental potency of our feelings – as they live, move, and change inside the body. Learning to utilize emotions as a source of renewable energy, we revitalize ourselves, and experience a fresh version of empowerment that is sourced from the inside.


  • WOMEN’S RITUAL .:.  Central to The Women’s Grove, is the loving heartbeat and timeless technology of Women’s Ritual. Together, through our ‘women’s ways’ – honest inquiry, council, nurturing touch {when in-person}, and much more – we welcome all parts of ourselves home, to be felt, seen, and known. In this skillful container of growth, rest, and soul-inspiration, we experience a profound sense of belonging with ourselves, each other, and something greater than us all. The vulnerability, intimacy, and depth of Women’s Ritual ways challenge us to bring forth more of our presence, truth, and genuine experience, into the whole. This befriending and integration returns us to the Beauty that we already are. And through the process, we learn to see ourselves and each other with new eyes. These are the empowering, all-seeing eyes of the Matriarchy which we co-create. This unified, compassionate consciousness ripples out into our world, shaping us as part of the solution humanity is waiting for.


The Women’s Grove



We gather Via Zoom on 3 Full Moons in this High Summer Season.

  • Friday, June 21st | High Noon MST/ 11 Am PST
  • Sunday, July 21st | 11 Am MST/ 10 Am PST 
  • Sunday, August 18th | 10 Am MST/ 9 Am PST

All Sessions will be recorded in a downloadable format and sent within 48 hours after our Gatherings, to those who are registered.

Tuition: $39 for a Single Gathering OR $99 for the Series of 3.

Our experiential, inspirational, and educational time together will include some or all of the following – 

  • Feminine Embodiment Practice
  • Women’s Ritual
  • Plant Brushing Instruction
  • Herbal/Floral Plant Ally Journeying
  • Abdominal Self-Massage & Womb Meditation 
  • Herbal Medicine/ Craft {How-To}
  • Singing, Sharing, and Feminine Restoration

Please bring with you –

  • A full water bottle.
  • Optional journal for note-taking.
  • Additional pertinent details, including common household items/ plants to bring will be provided, as our time together comes nearer.

Praise for The Women’s Grove ~

Melissa Geiger
Wellness Coach, Founder ~ Nourishing Our Radiance

“I honestly felt so deeply moved by my session with Marianah Jade, that I don’t quite know how to put it into words. She brought me right up to my soul’s growing edge in a way that only traditional indigenous ceremonies have done for me in the past. Her very presence is like medicine and it is an absolute honor to work with her. I had forgotten how deeply transformational a single hour can be. Marianah Jade is a truly wise and skillful guide. She creates such a beautiful, sacred space. I felt deeply supported and honored as I faced a major life transition. She illuminated some of my blind spots, which helped me to navigate this transition with more clarity, ease, and strength. She also offered suggestions of feminine embodiment practices that have brought so much beauty and poignancy to this time in my life. I can’t recommend her work highly enough. Right after our session, I opened to and experienced a potent synchronicity and twist of fate that lead me to manifest my new dream home! I’m feeling blessed and grateful and I am really looking forward to more sessions in the future!” – Melissa

Lesley Glenner
Owner, Founder ~ HoloBeing Holistic Wellness Institute

“Marianah Jade creates a living, breathing priestess-like experience every step of the way. She offered me a reflection of myself that was beautiful, whole, and Goddess-like. She assumes the best and honors those in her presence in ways subtle and grandiose ~ creating a container of sacred intimacy, feminine attune-ment, skillful transformation, and fun. As a bride to-be, I can think of no better way to step into an embodied feminine experience of myself. The practices Marianah Jade offered have continued to serve me in my life and relationships. I have been more aware of my power as a woman, I have been more available to my partner when I honor my needs for feminine practice, and I have helped other women in transition to remember their feminine obligations to their truth. I would not hesitate to recommend this to ANY woman who wants to feel good in her world.”  – Lesley 

Martha Hartney
Attorney and Counselor at Law ~ Hartney Family and Estate Law

“…Here I discovered that I’m not alone as a woman and that my internal guidance systems are not unique to me but are shared by all women. I found that the inner voice speaking truth to me all along, is heard by all of my sisters in one form or another. I found myself willing to submit more fully to this knowing…I found compassion for other women’s ‘lost-ness’ in a world dominated by the masculine, and…a woman whispering our secrets back to me, reminding me of what we know. Gently, sensually, sacredly inviting me into my body, into my femininity, my creative center. I found a guide, Marianah Jade, who has devoted herself to understanding the subtle rhythms of the feminine that float under everything that is, often without our notice. She helped me see that in those subtle waves exist a vast, thronging passion of love and devotion and acceptance. Patiently, oh so delicately, she reintroduced me to my magical core, calling out my true nature and showing me places where I can tap into my subtle powers, my cycles, and the wisdom of our foremothers. My wish would be for all the women I love to experience this tribe of womanly power and love that Marianah nurtures. Here we find a home for the weirdness of our womanhood, and give time and space for our powers to heal, process, transform, express, create, and develop ~ so that we all experience the divine feminine within us, and allow it to change the world…”  – Martha

Allie Van Buskirk
Faculty ~ University of Colorado, Boulder 

“Opening the door to Marianah’s Studio was like entering a precious passageway to the divine. A sensational, liminal space, saturated with the essence of ancient mystics and holy mother. Marianah’s grounding presence and soothing voice so ease-fully transported my consciousness to what felt like home – home in my body, in my spirit, and in my seat as an awakening woman called to heal myself, my lineage, and this planet. Throughout our session, she was truly with me every step of the way, recognizing when energy was shifting and knowing exactly what was needed in each moment. I felt incredibly seen and held while simultaneously being encouraged to open more, shed more, feel more, trust more, love more. With Marianah’s guidance, I was able to dispel a shadow that had been lingering for far too long and come into deep communion with Gaia through the healing plants she shared from her land. The messages Marianah intuited for me that evening were profound, and have become daily mantra. Marianah’s depth of knowledge and experience, as well as her deep-seated devotion to the heart of spiritual teachings, was crystal clear throughout our time together. I am incredibly grateful for this experience; working with such a skillful, radiant practitioner was such a gift.”  ~ Allie 

Jamie Michelle
Owner, Designer ~ Sienna Moon

“I had the honor of working & healing with Marianah Jade for 4 months privately. I highly recommend her to any women that wants to do really deep, transformational heart + soul work. …Deep…deep! Marianah Jade is an amazing, wise, and present intuitive. Her medicine is magic. She’s able to shed light on and see things that you can’t. I have so much LOVE for Marianah Jade and her work. She is pure love medicine. Our work was amazing and it changed my life. A ‘thank you’ seems so small compared to what I feel inside my heart for what Marianah Jade offered me…a new beginning. I feel healthy and whole and present. My MoonTimes have all been regular…this has not been so for a long time. And I loved the recordings she made for me. They were brilliant! Marianah Jade soothes and nurtures and guides. Working with her is pure bliss. I’m in tears.” ~ Jamie


Meet Your Guide ~

Marianah Jade is a mother, suburban witch, weaver of Women’s Wisdom, Ritual, & Culture, Earth-Centered Educator, Women’s Folk Medicine Guide, Harpist, and Spoken Word Poet. As Founder of The Women’s Grove, she has masterfully guided thousands of women all over the world through beauty-infused, body-based, Earth-centered rituals, retreats, and private sessions – in service of restoring the Feminine to its rightful place at the heart of our world.

Marianah has been studying Women’s Folk Herbalism for 16 years intensively with Master Herbalist, Ann Drucker. She is inspired by the Yucatec Maya healing traditions of Miss Beatrice Waight, and has been trained and Certified in Women’s Temple Facilitation by Chameli Ardagh. Marianah’s passion for the ways of the Feminine, and the power of Nature’s Medicine is contagious. You too will fall in love with the sacred practices we share and your own Plant Allies. To learn more about Miss Beatrice Waight, and the Healing Power of Plants, consider purchasing her book: ‘Fire Heart’, as a companion to our season together.